.... I started something new today. :-) But not much to see yet.
....but tonight I'm going back stitching on Carissa's RR. I love how this one is turning out :-)
@ Von, Joanne, Coral and Carol: Thank you very much for your kind words. They are so much appreciated. Life in Canada is very nice right now. But a lot of things are very different from Germany. One thing is the people are much friendlier and I love that!!!!
@ Barbara, Birgit und Moune: vielen Dank für euere lieben Worte. Birgit, lass dich doch mal wieder im hello blicken oder bist du immer noch in der Sommerpause? Moune, ich hoffe, es geht dir wieder besser!!! Du bist schon etwas vom Pech verfolgt. Ich denke an dich und wünsche dir gute Besserung.
Belated Christmas Gift
1 hour ago