Friday, March 31, 2006

Lisa still had a temperature yesterday and so we both ended up nestling on the sofa nearly the whole day.... When she was in bed I stitched quickly to rows of Eventide's Autum Roll and then I went of to a nice dinner in a restaurant with the women of our baby-group. I had grilled red snapper and grilled vegetables Yummie :-)

Today I pulled Ilse's Christmas ABC out of my WIP pile and made some stitches on this one....

Lisa still wanted to nestle very, very much though the temperature was down again. I'm not sure if she feels well again. :-(
Martina gave us the password for the 7'th part of Medieval Town Mandala one day earlier and so I'm going start to work on this one right now...
I want to finish this months part way earlier than last months!


Susimac said...

I hope Lisa is feeling better soon. MTM is growing well, it looks lovely. Your dinner out sounds good I love red snapper.

Anne S said...

Hope Lisa beats her little bugs soon :) MTM looks absolutely stunning! And your dinner sounded divine - I adore seafood ... in fact you've just made my dinner decision for tonight ... grilled fresh salmon and salad hmmm ;P