Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Though I didn't post and emailed the last week I found a bit time for stitching :-)

On Sunday I worked on DT's Sampler Gameboard my SAL commitment with Cathy. Having a look on Cathy's Blog I just found out that Tobie has this one in her WIP pile as well. It would be nice if she would join our SAL.

On March 1st Martina gave us the password for the 6th part of MTM. And of course I stitched a bit on this one as well. But didn't do much because my printer needs some new ink and I ordered some but haven't received it yet.

And I put some stitches on my Quaker Sampler and finished page 4.

And finally I started my exchange piece for the Spring exchange with SBEBB.


Unknown said...

Hallo Bine,
dein Quaker sieht stark aus ich bin Begeistert.

Was sind denn das für Stiche auf dem anderen Tuch, meine Güte die sehen höchst kompliziert aus.

Meine Güte ich bin Fassungslos was Du alles gschafft hast. Liebe staune Grüße Sonja-Maria

Nicki said...

All three of those are so lovely! I want to do all of them too but I have far too much going at the moment. Beautiful stitching!

Anonymous said...

lovely! great work!

Carol said...

All three of your WIPS look great!!! You do such lovely work :-)

Anne S said...

Your WIPs all look great ... as you know, I just adore your gameboard sampler every time I see an update ;P Also great to see the latest progress on MTM - those buildings are going to look gorgeous!

Lelia said...

Love your MTM progress photos -- and the Quaker Sampler is moving right along!

I have enjoyed your Sampler Game Board photos so much, I ordered it from my LNS. Supposed to be in later this week.
Doubt I'll ever catch up with you or Cathy (or Tobie if she joined your SAL) but I think it is a wonderful design & think I'll enjoy working on it.

My neighbor, Melody, has is started, too. (wish she had a blog)