Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My dear friend Manuela enabled me to start a new WIP. Bent Creek's Winter Snapperland. Yes, it's that Manuela who usually reminds me not to start more WIPS...and she started her own blog a few days ago. :-)

During the daytime I stitched a bit more on my spring exchange piece with the Stitching Bloggers Exchange Board. The fiber is Danish flower thread.

Lately some German and one French fellow stitchers started their blogs:
Brigitte, Manuela, Moune andUte.


mainely stitching said...

More bloggers - hooray!

Unknown said...

Super schön wird Euer WIP.
LG Sonja-Maria

Anonymous said...

Man sieht ja auf dem Bild noch nicht viel, aber ich weiss, dass es wunderschön sein wird.
LG Moune

Carol said...

Cute new project - looking forward to seeing that one grow!!

Thanks for the new blog links :-)

Cathy B said...

I must confess Bine, I didn't stitch on Game Board this week - I'm also trying to finish some exchange projects!

I'm looking forward to checking out your friends' blogs!

Anne S said...

I love your new project - it never interested me until I started seeing them getting stitched up ... looks great! Look forward to seeing your progress :D