Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It is even colder today.....

brrrrrrrr.... it is sooooo cold.....
this morning it is -32 degrees C (about -25.6 F). We had that before. But with the windchill it is -52 degree C ( about -61.6F). Can it get any colder?????
I dont't walk to work anymore. I dropped off DH and DD and take the car today....chicky me ;-)
Monday evening I attended my first Wheat City Needle Arts Guild meeting and it was such a fun to meet fellow stitchers. And though we did a lot of chatting we still did some needleworking, too :) We met at Riverheights Terrace a very nice retirement home. That'd be a nice place to live beeing a few years older.... ;)
It's just around the corner from where we now live and I planned to walk there but the blizzard monday evening stopped me from doing that.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nicole posted on sunday about the new Midsummer Night Designs Freebie and I just loved the colors. I had to start it immediately yesterday evening...Not a lot to see right now as my stitching time was very limited yesterday due to some important paperwork that needed to be done but it is a start :)

....And yesterday evening I was off meeting the ladies from the Brandon's Chapter of the Canadian Needleworkguild.....gonna tell you later about that... ;)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

DH built some shelves and and a table for my stitching/sewing-room yesterday. He's not finished yet but I can start to unpack my stitching and other crafting stash that is still in cardboard boxes from our big move. I'm so happy about that....

After a late dinner I was so tired that I wasn't in a stitching mood at all. But I forced myself to put in a few stitches at least....but after I did the first stitches I was hooked and stitched till midnight and made a nice progress :-)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Yesterday I went to my local needlecraftshop because they were listed as a retailer on the Glendon Place homepage because somewhere in the net I saw WIP pictures of Glendon Place's Pretty Pumpkins . I love the colors of the pumkins they are so wonderful bright but I don't like the leaves so I wanted to see the chart in real maybe I can just stitch the pumpkins without the leaves.... Unfortunately they didn't have the chart in stock but they are ordering one in for me .... they are so kind. And this lovely lady working there invited me to the guild meeting on monday evening....wohoooo I'm so excited to meet other stitchers.

Though my stitching time was very limited this week I got a little bit on Prairie Sampler done.

Peg, I'm going to set up a blog for the AAFG-SAL and will send an invitation to you. Hopefully we will find some more stitchers to stitch along with us :-)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lelia, thank you very much for letting me know about CiCi stitchin on AAFG as well. I even found another lady stitching this one: Ranae - The Needle & I. I'm going to write to both of them maybe we can do a SAL.

And I was nosy enough to click on Ranae's link to the shop Needle in a Haystack. I've heard of this shop before, of course, but I've never visited their onlineshop..... And guess what, I'm hooked! They offer an absolute tremendous variety of 40ct linen!!!!! I'm sure I can't stand this goodies.

Yeeeehaaaa, I'm off.........stash-shopping :-)))))

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gazing on the thermomater caught my breath yesterday was -32 C (that's about -25.6F)!!!!! WOW that is COLD!

To stick with my goal not just starting new projects but finishing some older WIP's I picked And A Forest Grew last night and added a tree and a cute rabbit...I'm sorry for the bad picture:

Nothing else to talk about as we stayed warm at home for a cozy sunday... though the sky was wonderful blue and the sun was shining bright it was very, very cold again today.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Today and tomorrow I have to work again. But I didn't stitch a lot yesterday either as I wasn't in a stitching mood.... Lots of other things to think about that kept my mind busy and my mood on low level. But that was yesterday ... today I'm feeling much better :-)

At least I decided what to stitch on Glenna's Hello Neighbor RR :-)

This morning I don't need to walk to work. I dropped Lisa and her Dad off at the Daycare and at work. 'Cause it's really freezing cold today. The thermometer shows just -25 C but with windchill it's feeling like -38 C *brrrrrr*

So, see you later I have to hurry now.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Birgit from Gran Canaria spoilt me with the most hilarious knitted socks!!!! Thank you so much. I love them! They are so much appreciated with these freezy temperatures :-) Birgit asked for my size some time ago and I completely forgot about it. It was such a great surprise

And I spent some nice stitching time on Prairie Sampler. These silks are gorgeous to stitch with....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Glenna's Hello Neighbor RR was waiting after work in the mailbox yesterday. I will spend some time today on finding a good addition for this one. I love how creative Deb was adding this velvet ribbon. What a wonderful idea!!!

I started the LHN Prairie Sampler. I was so excited to stitch with these wonderful Belle Soie silks and I love them..... :-) I haven't had a lot of stitching time yesterday as I was looking for a flight to Germany for Lisa and me .... but they are so much more expensive than last year. I really need a kick in the bottom ;-) to bring myself spending that much money....

Monday, January 14, 2008

I had a day off today and spend some time stitching.....and finished Garden Pleasures. LHN designs are always so much fun to stitch and I'm tempted to start another one of their designs that I have already kitted up. :-)

Garden Pleasures

by Little House Needleworks

40ct R&R Iced Cappucino

Started: maybe some time in october

Finished: Jan 14/08

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Yesterday DH had to work from noon till 4pm then he watched with Lisa a Peter Pan DVD on the laptop.....until at 5 the phone rang and his boss asked him to come to work again....

Today we went tobogganing at Sprucewoods Nationalpark again...and DH cracked one of his teeth. We should really think on something else to spend our weekends. Do you remember, the first time we went tobogganing he broke our camera. I can't imagine what will happen next time.... Here's a pic of that ride he had that accident:

And a little update on Garden Pleasures:

Friday, January 11, 2008

Tuesday and thursday were my day's off this week. :-)
Tuesday I had my first real apointment with a hairdresser. A lot of people recommended Pantages and that's what I decided to give a try after the disaster last october.... when I let my hair cut with a hairdresser in the Canadian Superstore and that was just awful. Finding out things like where to do your haircut for example is what makes live in a different country interesting and sometimes even difficult. It's often just the small things, life in general is not too different.

But I loved what Krista at Pantages did and so I went there again on Thursday to get some highlights in my hair.

My hair looks very different now and I have to get used to see my new hair in the mirror... :)

While browsing through the net yesterday I saw the "Quilt Mystere" Natalie is sewing and I just love it... You see I'm enabled again....I'm pretty sure I will participate in this one. Part 7 from 12 is already published but this makes me sure that I will like the project in the end ... LOL

I didn't do much stitching on my days off but I had New Year start and here it is:

Victoria Sampler's Heirloom Homecoming Sampler... I got the chart and accessorypack as a birthday gift myself about 2 years ago.

Monday, January 07, 2008

We had a great weekend in Winnipeg. Although the biggest shop in Manitoba won't become my favorite shop :-) The lady who worked there was so nice and friendly but most of the things they are carrying are not my taste... but I think I should try the shop for framing one day.

After visiting Sheena's Gallery where I bought a piece of 40ct linen we drove to Mrs. Twitchets Eyes where I have been before. But this time it was only one of the ladies there and unfortunately it was the same grumpy lady that has been there when I visited the first time.

On our way back we choosed an alternate road to the highway #1 and came through a lot of cute villages. One of them was called Holland, that's the German name for the Netherlands but this Holland wasn't as flat as the European Holland. :) But they had build up a little windmill so I think the first people who settled there have been from the Netherlands.

Today leaving the house after lunch I fell on the ground after not recognizing an icy space... and now my hand, my finger and my knee are really hurting.... :( I really should pay more attention. At least I don't need to go to the doc and I can still stitch :)

I have just a little progress on LHN's Garden Pleasures to show as I stitched a bit on a birthday gift.

Friday, January 04, 2008

We went tobogganing at Sprucewood National Park on New Years Day. And we had a lot of fun :) After driving home to Brandon in the late afternoon we had an early dinner at the Chinese Buffet.....yummieh.

I got a wonderful gift from Dane in an secret exchange. She even stitched a lovely Flatfold for me, though it wasn't necessary to send something crafted with it. It is my first flatfold ever and I LOVE it so much! Thank you so much Dane! Here are all the goodies she sent:

Finally I finished stitching Wendy's Hello Neighbor RR. I haven't had a lot of stitching time in the beginning but I really liked stitching on this one. I mixed parts of designs from Rosewood Manor, Little House Needleworks and Ewe & Eye & Friends. That's what took most of my time. Looking for things that work together.

Hopefully Wendy likes how it turned out....

When I came back home from work a nice little package from Stitching Bits and Bobs was waiting in the mail for me :)

I'm so looking forward to go to Winnipeg tomorrow....and visiting Sheena's Gallery wich is supposed to be the biggest crossstich shop in Manitoba....wooohhoooo

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


The sun is shining so bright and we are going tobogganing now.
Write later.....